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Hello, this is Younggeul.
We have partnered with a global survey company to provide you with more content .
Affiliate Survey Participation Conditions
To participate in the affiliate survey on Younggeul, you must consent to the provision of personal information to third parties .
You only need to consent to the provision of your personal information to third parties for affiliate surveys once. You will not be asked to consent every time you participate in a survey.
How to participate in the affiliate survey
You can check and participate in the affiliate survey from the screen below on the home screen.
The number of affiliate surveys that each individual can participate in may vary.
The points that can be earned through survey participation are determined directly by the affiliated company. There may be differences in the point policies of Younggeul and other services.
If an error occurs in accumulating points through an affiliate survey, please contact the customer center and we will check and resolve it. Please understand that it may take a little longer to resolve the issue as it has to be resolved through an affiliate company, unlike when it is resolved directly by Youngkle.
QnA on affiliate survey
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