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Let's get together and get a lot of points! (Up to 3,000 points)
If you promote Younggeul on SNS, blogs, communities, etc.
I'll give you 2000 points💰
Event Period: 2024.03.13 (Wed) - 2024.03.26 (Tue), 14 days
How to participate
Please post an article introducing Younggeul anywhere you want !

It would be even better if you could share a link where I can download the app right away 🙂
App Download Link:
If your writing meets the minimum requirements ,
Please submit a capture that clearly shows whether the minimum requirements have been met !
Clicking the button below will take you to the event participation verification page.
!! Verification required !! Minimum achievement conditions
SNS - Facebook, Instagram, Thread, TikTok, X, etc. 20+ likes
Community - Naver Cafe, Deoku, Instiz, Pomppu, etc. Views 50 or more or comments 5 or more
Blog - Naver, Brunch, Tissotori, etc. Like (empathy) 10 or more
Messenger - Group KakaoTalk, Open KakaoTalk, etc. with 30 or more participants
1,000 more points through raffle 💝
We will also be giving bonus points to those who participated and were selected through a raffle to express our gratitude!
How to increase your chances of winning bonus points
Please leave a detailed review of Younggeul . The more you share your experience at Younggeul, the higher your chances of winning!!
Increase your chances of winning by leaving a review on the Play Store or App Store and verifying it!!
If you succeed in both of the above, your chances of winning will increase by a whopping 4 times 👀
Points Payment Schedule
Points will be accrued within 7 business days from the date of verification .
Bonus point winners will be selected through a drawing after the event ends and will be individually notified by email or text message. If you do not win, you will not be notified separately.
Bonus points will be awarded within 10 business days after the winner is selected.
Other Guides and Precautions
If it is confirmed that a member has participated in an event in an inappropriate manner, the member's participation in the event, benefit payment, and use of the app may be restricted without prior notice.
This event may be changed or terminated without prior notice.
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