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Attendance check event OPEN!
Dear Younggeul users,
We're back with a new challenge!
This challenge is the 'Attendance Check' challenge.
I'm thinking of doing it for 14 days from Monday, December 4th to Sunday, December 17th :)
First of all, every time you check attendance, you will be randomly awarded 50 to 100 points.
If you log into the app consistently and check in, you will receive a bonus of 200p on the 5th day and a bonus of 400p on the 10th day, so you can collect a lot of points just by checking in, right?
( For your information, bonus points are awarded on the 5th and 10th days from the start date of the challenge, not the 5th or 10th cumulative day, so you should definitely log into the app on those days, right? 🙃)
If you successfully complete all attendance checks for two weeks, you can collect up to 2,000 points, so come in and check and buy a cup of Mega Coffee☕️
The 'Attendance Check' challenge is a main challenge that can be participated in without a separate prior application. You can participate by clicking the button on the home screen. When you click the [Attendance] button on the 'Attendance Check' challenge page, a check mark will automatically appear on the calendar at the top.
As explained above! The 5th and 10th days shown on the calendar are not the cumulative attendance days of the users, but the 5th and 10th days from the start date of the challenge. If the 'Attendance Check' challenge start date (Day 1) is Monday, December 4th, then the 5th day, when the 200p bonus is paid out, would be Friday, December 8th, right?
Depending on the participation rate of users, the 'Attendance Check' challenge may become the main challenge, so please show a lot of interest and participation! Then, I will come back with a new challenge! Younggeul🧾
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