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#1 Project - ‘LUVPLI’, an AI chat for singles and people struggling with love
What made you start
The reason I started this project was to provide a service using AI to help singles and those struggling with relationships easily and conveniently resolve their questions.

I thought there might be times when you are unfamiliar with dating or feel completely at a loss about what to do with the opposite sex even if you have dated, so I started this project to help you solve your itchy parts by utilizing AI functions in a user-friendly way.
How big will the market be?
6 out of 10 people in Korea are solo ( reference )
Not in a relationship 46.3% / No relationship experience 18.3% / In a relationship 35.4%
Reasons for not dating
1st place: I'm comfortable alone 33.6%
2nd place: 18% because there are few opportunities to meet
3rd place: Not many people like me 14.1%
As of 2022, the number of single-person households in Korea is 7.5 million ( reference )
29 years and under: Male 19.5% / Female 18.9%
30~39 years old: 22% male / 12.7% female
Reasons for not dating ( reference )
Problem to be solved
Mosul, the window that solo people can solve to meet the opposite sex is limited
Counseling through YouTube creators
Relationship advice from people around you
There are many limitations to consulting with acquaintances or other people (YouTubers, professional counselors) for single and single concerns, and there are time constraints.
There are TV shows, YouTube content, and content for solo escapes, but they do not provide much help in providing proper solutions or resolving curiosity for struggling users.
Qualitative: That is why the topic has been of interest and popularity for decades (an area of inexhaustible desire).
The solution I want to propose
We provide information and solutions that can help you escape from being single or lonely as a service using AI.
You don't have to search for content and ask people around you or others.
No physical time limits, no privacy concerns
I can talk to you whenever I need to and resolve my concerns and worries without any pressure.
Hypothesis and verification
Single-person households under the age of 39 will use AI services to escape from being a single or lonely person.
Verification Strategy
We provide products that can solve users' pain points to help them escape from being single and lonely.
That's how the service 'Lovely' was born
1) Let’s provide an experience to users by configuring it on a light scale!
2) It is important to create a perfect service, but since we don’t know what users will need, let’s provide a simplified service and improve it through feedback!
You can do these things in Lovely!
If you have any concerns because you are single or single, you can ask Lovely and get answers.
If you have any concerns about your relationship with the opposite sex, feel free to ask. Lovely will answer.
We respect your privacy. We don't ask or inquire.
Lovely cheers you on so that you can have a beautiful relationship by easily and conveniently getting answers to your questions.
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