Dancing Girls in New York
12.01.2023 Because now I can consciously determine my dreams before sleep, sometimes when I don’t come up with anything specific topic to learn in lucid dreams, I will try to give some creative instructions to my subconsciousness, like: “Let’s run a virus scan and do some regular cleanup!” to help me release thoughts and emotions. After falling asleep yesterday, I found myself in New York, constantly walking between museums like the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Guggenheim, and others. Well, this is New York, the museums are everywhere and close to each other. Also, since it’s a dream, it’s convenient to dash around with a mix of places. During this trip, I carried a large, thick history book on my left shoulder, a backpack on my back, with my right hand holding a thermos, and a laptop on my left hand. It was heavy because, in my dreams, the sensations are just like in reality. Yet, I am proud of myself, see, I am eager to learn even in a dream!!! I am still collecting information and taking notes. While wandering between museums, I noticed a large group of teenage girls rehearsing contemporary dance in corridor, 50 of them. To perform, they wore dance leotards and had smeared mud or earthy paints on their bodies. Despite being unable to distinguish their faces clearly, I could easily see their smiles. It started with one girl singing, and then, with the music, other girls joined in harmony, and their bodies started to move. Their dance wasn’t as uniform as the style of K-pop idol groups, because I could see the characteristics in their movements and their unique interpretations of the music. However, these girls’ passion and excitement connected all these differences seamlessly. After finishing the rehearsal, they all relaxed, laughing and applauding each other. Then, as if there was great chemistry among them, without saying any words, they began the next round of rehearsal immediately. “So beautiful,” I stood there admiring their dance for a long time. When I snapped out of it, my consciousness was already drifting to the front of the stage. At that moment, I couldn’t feel my body, only knowing that I was deeply captivated by the scene on the stage. These girls were already on stage, and as the singing and the first dance move began, I felt the whole world had disappeared, melting into their performance. All the audience, like me, released their physical form and became pure consciousness that deeply engaged in the moment with their art. I woke up almost crying. Even though I didn’t know if those girls existed, their art had left a profound imprint on my heart, this experience was incredibly real to me. I believe people dreaming is because, on the one hand, as scientific research shows, it allows our brains to rest, strengthen memories, and process information. However, dreams might also help us to go beyond logic, touch our purest hearts and remember our faith through imaginative exploration. Just like art, it doesn’t directly advance the human species as technology does. Yet, it encourages us to embrace things that science and logic cannot explain but that deeply move us, amid our ordinary lives, leading us to reclaim the ability to feel this world deeply and emotionally. Note: The images were created by Midjourney AI. I selected ones with compositions and vibes closer to what I saw in dreams. The girls I encountered were of various races, aged between 15 and 18 years old. 紐約的少女舞者們 因為現在比較能決定自己的夢境了,有時候睡前沒特別想做什麼,就會下一些比較有創意的指令,讓潛意識自己工作,像是:「今天來開防毒程式,定期清理一下吧!」 睡著之後,我就到了紐約,一直不停得在博物館間奔走,大都會、古根漢等等都造訪。畢竟這是紐約,博物館很多也離得很近,也畢竟這是在夢裡,東拼西湊一下到處跑就很方便。 我的左肩揹著超大一本厚厚的歷史書籍,背後揹著後背包,右手又提著保溫瓶,還手提電腦包。東西很多,背起來很重,因為夢裡體感和現實是一樣的,但可見我是多麼好學,就連來到了美術館都不忘了蒐集資料,到處做筆記。 在博物館之間閒逛時,我注意到了走廊一大群正在排練著當代舞蹈的少女,大約有50人之多,為了表演,她們身上塗抹了泥巴或是大地色顏料,穿著貼身的膚色舞衣。明明面容都不太能辨識清楚,但是我卻能輕易看見她們的笑容。 先是一名少女開口歌唱,然後隨著音樂旋律,陸續有其他少女加入和聲,身體也開始舞動起來。她們的舞蹈,倒不是像是韓國流行偶像那種整齊劃一的風格,因為我可以清楚看見她們每個人舞動肢體時的特色,對於音樂也有不同表達方式,可是她們內心的熱情和興奮,卻將這些不同,全部都連結在一起。 當她們結束排練時,大家全都放鬆地大笑,為彼此鼓掌。接著像是有一種互相知悉已久的默契一樣,不等誰開口,她們又開始進行下一輪的練習。
- uglykikiU