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Lesson 3: Kinetic Molecular Theory

Polar - when Molecules have negative and positive ends / Hydrophilic
Non-Polar - Molecules that have no charges at the end / Hydrophobic
Polar and Non-Polar substances repel each other but mix with the same type

Answering Questions: Lava lamps

During the experiment, we used Alka-Seltzer tablets and put them into the water, these tablets contain citric acid and baking soda
When an acid is mixed with a base, they neutralize and create: Water, Carbon Dioxide and salt. In the instance of the experiment, the salt and water were not visible because there was already water, and the salt was dissolved
baking soda is base/basic
citric acid is acid/acidic
Neutralize - To cancel each other out

Dice Discussion Questions

After rolling the dice was your outcome what you expected? Did anything surprised you about this activity?
It was mostly as expected but one thing that surprised me was the amount of times the line kept going back and repeating itself.
Based on your observations last class, come up with an inference for why it takes a long time for you to smell the perfume from across the room.
Because the particles are traveling in random directions, it may take longer because it could go backwards or sideways.
Make a final statement describing the motion of particles
Particles move randomly, making it hard to get it to go a certain direction, etc.
Matter - Any substance that has mass and takes up space

Brownian Motion

Robert brown - Discoverer of Brownian motion
He observed pollon grains suspended in water and noticed small movements.
He initially thought the pollen was alive, scientists later coined this as Brownian motion.
Portrait of Robert Brown

Macro-reaction - (Macro=Big)A chemical reaction observable with by the naked eye
Diffusion - the process in which particles move from high-density to low-density until equally spread out

Why things melt faster in hot water

Because the water is hot, there more energy, thus the brownian motion present in the water is faster than usual, meaning the water particles run into and break down the other particles faster, resulting in faster melting time. Vice versa for cold water
You can speed up the diffusion process by either adding more of the substance or by adding kinetic energy (stirring)
Micro-reaction - (Micro=Small) A chemical reaction not-observable by the naked eye but constantly happening
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