After a city reaches its target population, new interconnected nodes can be developed. A Garden City is built up and its population has reached 32,000. How will it grow? It will grow by establishing another city some little distance beyond its own zone of ‘country’, so that the new town may have a zone of country of its own. But the inhabitants of the one could reach the other in a very few minutes; for rapid transit would be specially provided for, and thus the people of the two towns would in reality represent one community. There will be a cluster of cities so grouped around a Central City that each inhabitant of the whole group, though in one sense living in a town of small size, would be in reality living in, and would enjoy all the advantages of, a great and most beautiful city; and yet all the fresh delights of the country; field, hedgerow, and woodland not prim parks and gardens merely would be within a very few minutes’ walk or ride. And because the people in their collective capacity own the land on which this beautiful group of cities is built, the public buildings, the churches, the schools and universities, the libraries, picture galleries, theatres, would be on a scale of magnificence which no city in the world whose land is in pawn to private individuals can afford.